This is a cutting edge version. Please be careful.
New in Version 2.5.2 (1181)
Please check performance on Mojave and Corner and Cap components.
- Reenable Dark Mode in Mojave
- Improve handling Cap component
- Add validation notice for URL fields in Font Info
- Update French localization (thanks Nathalie)
- Some fixes and optimizations
New in Version 2.5.2 (1179)
- Properly build to avoid performance problems in 10.14
New in Version 2.5.2 (1178)
- Change order of selection. Double clicking gives you the last added path, now
- Add to the Korean sidebar
- Check if paths are valid when exporting Variable Fonts
- Add validation to URL fields in Font Info
- Properly encode URL properties
- Fix missing
Name Table Entry
form instances
- Fix opening files in 10.9 that where saves in later versions of macOS
- Fix layout problem with right sidebar
- Fix layout in localizations of Offset Curve Filter Dialog
- Fix problem with coping TT hints when the mater has postScript hints
- Fix a rounding problem with TT stems set to automatic
- Fix issue with TT-delta hints
- Fix unwanted self inflection removals
- Fix some GlyphData issues (one Arabic)
- Use proper address to download fontTools
- Fix unto when setting the first node
New in Version 2.5.2 (1176)
- Small improvement to the STAT table in Variable Fonts.
- import strikeoutPosition/Size into custom parameters on import of OTF.
- Fix a crash
New in Version 2.5.2 (1175)
- Fix some drawing issues with custom background colors
- Disable Dark Mode as is causes bad performance issues, for now.
- Try to fix a crash
New in Version 2.5.2 (1174)
- Fix empty preview
- Add some emoji to glyphData
- Some improvements to the UI
New in Version 2.5.2 (1173)
- Improve moving the cursor up and down in text mode
- Fix red line preview in TrueType tool
- Fix problems with zero width zones in TrueType export
- Improve GSPathPen. This makes it more compatible with the various pen types (thanks jens)
- Fix layout problems in transform filter dialog
- In Preview view, use vertical metrics of instance instead of currently selected master
- show feature popup when all features are defined in an include in a prefix.
- Fix some missing script tags
New in Version 2.5.2 (1172)
- fix the Font view layout problems (thanks inka)
- Fix double encodings in CID keyed fonts
- first steps to support new ROS Adobe-KR
- Fix some TrueType problems with accents that have hints at intersections (thanks christoph)
- Fix selection path highlighting
- In font view, assign the color to the right glyph when right click on a not selected item
- add
custom parameter
- several smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1171)
- Fix some issues with TrueType hinting preview
- Fix a crash when closing a window
- Improve performance in Mojave a bit
New in Version 2.5.2 (1170)
- Fix update of font view when switching masters in Mojave
- Update Khmer and Devanagari sidebar and GlyphData (thanks ben, kimya, rob)
- Fix links in descriptions in Plugin Manager
- Fix undo after decomposing nested components
- Fix some issues with reading .glyphs files with unusual formatting
- Fix some crashes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1169)
- Properly update badge counts on nested entries in the sidebar
- Fixed kerning in Variable fonts with three axis
- Fix TrueType instructions to use control value cut in (will basically deactivate hinting in bigger sizes)
- Fix TrueType preview when there is a component in the .notdef
- Fix imports in plugins
- Some performance improvements in Mojave
New in Version 2.5.2 (1168)
- Fix "Select Glyphs" search field in Mojave
- Use more legibly shapes for glyph names (in kerning panel, font view and info box)
- Fix bad performance with missing components in the background and "Show Nodes in Background"
- New Khmer sidebar (thanks ben)
- TrueType autohinting is not generating PS hints any more
- Only count actual hints in hasHints and add some more filters
- Allow multiple "Filter" parameters per instance
- Fix performance when removing kerning in kerning panel
- Add font as master preserves all layers, now
- Don’t break when marks are in the string for Arabic
- Update French and Chinese localization
- Fix "Color Layers to SVG" which COLR Table setup
- Draw main accent on top of cloud
- Keep corners when swapping background
- Allow printing form Finder (thanks jürgen)
New in Version 2.5.2 (1167)
- Allow color brace layers
- Improve error reporting on export
- Try to prevent problems with loading licenses
- Draw Apple-Color image in text mode
- Make Select Glyphs window resizable (thanks jan)
- Allow plain unicodes in list filters
- Fix problem with very big data userData
- Narrower spacing for corner glyphs
- Alway use minimum distance of 0.25 and add `TTMinimumDistance` parameter
- Improve several issues with project documents
New in Version 2.5.2 (1165)
- Fix small issue with plugins
New in Version 2.5.2 (1164)
- Improve filtering of kerning between different scripts (Thanks fritze)
- Fix callbacks in reporter plugins when no layer is selected
- Improve error reporting when loading svg
- Improve sbix to SVG export
- Add .axes property to font and master
- Update French loc
New in Version 2.5.2 (1163)
- Fix the Chinese sidebar entries
- Updated Khmer Glyph Data (thanks Ben)
- Fix saving of file with Windows line endings
New in Version 2.5.2 (1162)
- Add Chinese groups to the Font view sidebar (thanks 3type)
- Some corrections to the South East Asian entries in the Font view sidebar (thanks Ben)
- Add warning for glyphs with too many nodes
- Set correct
when there are upper-plane chars
- Fix double clicking on font grid view when font window was not key window
- Improve drawing in Master Compatibility with quadratic curves
- Fix several crashes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1161)
- Fix crash on opening files
- Improve feedback for Add-on Modules installation
- Fix some glyph info issues (subcategory of small-cap marks)
New in Version 2.5.2 (1160)
New in Version 2.5.2 (1159)
- Fix sizing of preference window
- Fix vertical layout and handling of vertical metrics
- Fix metrics drawing in vertical mode
- Show proper info box when switching to vertical mode
- Add bopomofo to CJK scripts
- Fix scripts and sorting of some Chinese numbers
- Fix import of unicode2 from Info/GlyphData.xml
- Add option to clean metrics keys when deleting glyphs
- Fix issues with document dirty state when opening some files
- Fix some issues with .designspace import
- Allow extra paths in _cap, too
- Improve display of PS hints with invalid values
New in Version 2.5.2 (1158)
- Improve handling and drawing of glyph in "iColor" layers (for Apple Color fonts)
- match spacing of default and iColor layers
- Always draw the images full size
- Improve image scaling and positioning with
- Better sort sbix layers on import
- keep the selected color layer when switching to the next glyph
- Fix mark positioning for Khmer
- Fix production name of copy pasted glyphs
- Fix import of feature code (add support context subs)
- Fix handling of plane 16 unicode
- Fix sorting of some glyphs from some scripts (han, bopomofo)
- Add Glyphs.defaults["GSShowVersionNumberInDockIcon"]
- Fix variable font export of GPOS with extension lookups
- And some smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1156)
- Fix download/update of python modules
- Add canadian native languages to GlyphData
- Improve handling of
- Fix some deva/marathi names in sidebar
- Fix image paths when duplicating the document
- Interpolate color layers
- Include color layers in master compatibility
- Only draw color layers from current master
- Fix import of kerning from designSpace files
- Add TTZoneRoundingThreshold parameter
- Fix some small details in trueType hinting export
- Fix TrueType autohinting from font view and also add x-direction hints (when there are stems for that direction)
- When saving a file, align all components
- Give full file path as argument with
- Properly sort cmap subtables
- Fix undo for classes and prefixes
- And a lot smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1153)
- Fix Dimension panel
- Add variableStyleName and variableFileName parameter
- Fix undo for zones and stems
- Fix pasting outlines from Affinity Designer
- Add missing Feature names
- Fix export of
- Fix import of vertical TTStems
- Fix repeatedly assigning double unicodes
- Fix positioning of sbix images in SVG
- Fix wrong position of handle in other layer drawn in background
- Add unicodes to uppercase Georgian
New in Version 2.5.2 (1150)
New in Version 2.5.2 (1149)
- Allow adding more than one master at once in Font info > Masters > "Add Other Font"
- fix double transformation of component in Transform Filter
- fix TT hints from corner components
- Fix some smaller issues
New in Version 2.5.2 (1148)
- Fix crash exporting Indic fonts
- Try to fix a crash when several fonts are imported at once
- add inflection points when converting to TrueType
- fix strong stem settings in ttfautohint setting
- lots of smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1147)
- prevent subtable overflow in mark feature
- Prevent crash with wrong data type in custom parameters
- Fix crash with invalid corners in instance preview
- Fix issue to add Hangul components
- Properly save big data in userData
- Use new ftxenhancer location
- Fix toolbar in Preferences window
New in Version 2.5.2 (1146)
- Improve round corner as export filter a bit
- Fix issue with some file that are empty on opening
- Add some script to be handled as RTL (e.g.: oldHungarian, phoenician)
New in Version 2.5.2 (1145)
- fix path operations
- improve updating of metrics keys
- fix TrueType stem deltas
- fix import multi line classes with only on glyph on the first line
- make sure to set the TT info is correct in not interpolated masters
- add API to allow plugins to influence the interpolation
- more french localization
- try to fix stuck zoom in/out
- read and write alpha for "color"
New in Version 2.5.2 (1143)
- Allow auto alignment for Hangul
- Improve localization and fix a few typos
- Fix a few crashes
New in Version 2.5.2 (1142)
- Fix crash with TrueType curves and path operations (it will not actually remove overlap, yet)
- Add "Convert to Quadratic" to font view
- Fix rotating of smart components
- Fix tabbing in Smart component dialog
- Several additions/fixes to the python wrapper
- Update french localization (thanks Nathalie)
- Fixed an issue with deltas in TrueType export
New in Version 2.5.1 (1141)
- Allow Re-interpolate on all selected layers.
- Global guides now also show in Brace and Bracket layers.
- Keep names and Unicode values for Private Use Area glyphs.
- Prevent corners from being dragged.
- Improved copying glyphs from one font to another.
- Improved undo with components.
- Fixed application of Transformation filter on text selection containing a control character (e.g., newline).
- Fixed display of View > Show Master Compatibility.
- Fixed undo after Filter > Fix Compatibility.
Variable Fonts
- Added
GPOS variation.
- Improved variation of anchors from components.
- Fixed
positioning with with anchors from nested components.
- Fixed
Import & Export
- Fixed issues with nested components in component checker on opening older files.
- Run import validation on all imported files, including UFO and TTF.
- Added option to show layers affected by the Component Move warning.
- Better handle production names if Use Custom Naming is set.
- Fixed duplicate production name when glyph is duplicated in Edit view.
- Longer glyph names are possible now.
- Read/write displayStrings to UFO.
- Fixed reading of files with Windows line endings.
- Fixed an issue with local GlyphData.
- Fixed scaling on export.
- Improved and accelerated TTF export.
- Fixed rare issue with TrueType instructions on intersection points.
- Fixed ttfAutohint settings (use
- Fixed bug in ttfAutohint option parsing.
Localizations and Language Support
- Improved Bulgarian Cyrillic sidebar entries (thx Krista and Botio).
- Updated Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and French localizations.
- Remove non-ASCII localization for default font name.
- Add Update button to the vanilla warning dialog.
- Add Variable Font and UFO support to the Python export function
and instance.generate(Format=UFO)
- Fixed plugins that use Robofab and FontTools.
- Fixed problem with
, which should fix the recent Drawbot problems.
- Now macro output is always visible in Window > Macro Panel.
General Improvements
- Use unique file names for generated image files (after pasting an image into a glyph).
- Improved sorting by Unicode in Window > Glyph Info.
- Improved the handling of trial and EULA dialogs.
- Improved storage of document settings in .glyphs file.
- Improved appearance in fullscreen mode.
- Better error reporting.
- Improved stability and performance.
- Small fixes and improvements.
New in Version 2.5 (1131)
- Fix webfont export
- Some smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5 (1130)
- Prevent extra nodes in Offset Curve Filter when one offset is zero
- Not aligned marks don’t prevent alignment of the width
- Small update to the French localization
- Fix dialogs for Custom parameters
- Fix resizing in change log window
New in Version 2.5b (1129)
- Fix an issue with Check alignment of components an nested components
- Fix deleting caps when deleting the path
- Fix a bug with interpolations in certain setups
- Update Help Files
- Add Eula and Trial window
- Draw full image when cropped image is selected
- Show bounding box by default
- Allow specifying Container format when exporting from scripts
- Small fixes for Chinese localisation
New in Version 2.5b (1128)
- Fix some issues with Marathi feature code
- Update localization
- Fix scaling the font to a new UPM
- Show nodes of components in background
- Ask before deleting features
- When exporting .ufos, warn about duplicate master names
- Improve Coptic GlyphData
- Fix some typos in GlyphData
- Fix import of ghost hints
New in Version 2.5b (1127)
- Restore "Decompose" in context menu
- Fix messing up of hints
- Improve dragging of PS-hints
- Improve python wrapper for smart components
- Fix crash when opening several .otf files at once
- Improve pasting of hints
- Improve undo action names
- Allow renaming of base glyphs for corner components
- Remember list view mode
- Don’t apply corners with path operations in transform panel
New in Version 2.5b (1126)
- Fix dragging of TrueType instructions
- Fix master icons in 10.9
- Fix
statements in replaced feature code
- Allow
Update Features
in font custom parameter
- Fix calculation of usLastCharIndex
- Add `Force Automatic Alignment` to context menu (hold option key)
- Small improvements to automatic alignment
- Use better reporting of python error
- Keep manually set category and subcategory when duplicating or renaming
- Fix display of none latin chars in feature and macro text view
- Fix drawing of metrics in vertical setting
- Remove error in macro window about overwriting a class
- Prevent havoc when syncing metrics with an @-key
New in Version 2.5b (1125)
- Improve TrueType instruction output a lot
- Keep hints from none interpolating masters
- Fix crash when closing a font
- Improve enabling of auto alignment for all glyphs
New in Version 2.5b (1123)
- Improve handling of changes caused by new auto-alignment when opening an old file
- Update ttfautohint to version 1.8
- Fix typo in production name
- Several smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5b (1122)
- Fix saving filters in folders
- Improve bracket layers in Variable fonts with origin in the center
- Sort alternate 'han' glyphs next to default
- Add "Copy" button to IP dialog
- Fix crash generating names from GSUB
New in Version 2.5b (1121)
- Improve export of morx table
- Improve error reporting on subtable overflow
- Small fix to imported feature code
- Small adjustments to the python wrapper
- Fix
- Add
to reporter
- Allow to localize
- Add validation to unicode field in font view
- Show feature names in feature list
- Treat all 'han' glyphs as smart glyphs
- Avoid small misplacements when dragging guides
- Fix display and use of zone deltas
New in Version 2.5b (1119)
- Fix dead key (accents) and CJK text input
- Fix icon view after reloading/reverting the document
- Fix TrueType not using zones and stems correctly
- Fix nonspacing glyphs in variable fonts
- Copy paste caps along with paths.
- On duplication, move edit view to show new glyph
- Add better title for suppression checkbox in "Glyphs tries to automatically align component" dialog
- Fix double clicking in preview window
- Smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5b (1118)
- Fix an issue with SVG table export (introduced in 1117)
- Fix problem with variable font export and open path
- fix `openCorners:` with multiple selection
- Fix problem with custom feature code
- Smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5b (1117)
- Add "Color Palette for CPAL" parameter
- Add "Open Corner in all Masters" (press opt in context menu)
- Fix application of custom filters in instance preview
- Fix attaching of accents on not aligned base glyphs. There should be a warning if the new behavior will change the position of components when the file is opened
- Fix converting longer TT paths to Cubic curves (needs some work)
- Fix crash when with
- Fix decomposing "entry" anchors from components
- Fix disabling of the Blur slider in preview
- Fix fix "Has Anchors" filter
- Fix import of some .otf files
- Fix mark2mark attachment for Tibetan.
- Improve custom mark/mkmk feature code
- Improve error handling in several places
- Update Chinese localization
- Use "x-height/shoulderHeight" for Indic scripts to position vertically flipped components
New in Version 2.5b (1116)
- Better handle crashes in plugins
- Fix small issue with “Reconnect Nodes” (thanks jan)
- Use textview sheet for `Replace Feature` parameter
- Fix problem with custom parameters (glyphOrder)
New in Version 2.5b (1115)
- Improve Updating in Preview view/panel
- Fix names in Select glyph dialog
- Fix strange selection behavior
- Fix crash when deleting hints from autohinting
- Add "drawShadowAccents" option
- Fix calculation of bounds for head and glyf table
- Fix problems with cmap table
New in Version 2.5b (1114)
- Fix import of XML .glyphs file
- Fix "Ignore existing" when adding glyphs and rename it to 'Keep existing'
- Improve placeholder string for conjuncts
- Fix sixth axis in variable font export
- Fix crash in Font Info > Instances when the instance has a
- Add some options to the printing from font view
- Fix a small issue with smart components
New in Version 2.5b (1113)
- Keep selection in kerning window more stable
- Copy only visible entries in kerning window
- Sort newly added kerning pairs
- Sorting of entries in filter menu
- Include
in app that it doesn’t need installed in the script folder
- Improve bracket layers in variable font export
- Fix feature variation with none default master origin
- Some smaller issues
- Fix a small issue with TrueType instructions
New in Version 2.5b (1111)
- Revert:
Enable default auto alignment for components without a category
- Fix missing hints introduced in version 1109
- Fix search and replace in font view
New in Version 2.5b (1109)
- Improve export of TrueType hints
- Enable default auto alignment for components without a category
- Fix calculation of origin point for Hatch filter
- Allow setting the visibleRect of the editview from script
- Better handle the TrueType related error messages
- Fix switching of unicode with the "Rename Glyphs" parameter
New in Version 2.5b (1108)
- Fix crash with TrueType tool
- Allow "Ligature" from numbers (set the correct subcategory)
- Include corner/caps in test for compatibility
- Fix transformationFilter and corner components
- With the "Rename Glyphs" parameter, make sure that unicode and production names are switched, too
New in Version 2.5b (1107)
- Better set master name on import and instance generation (thanks wei)
- Keep unicode for PUA when setting name
- Add `Update` button to beta alert.
- Add "fontFilePath", "instance" to font export notification
- Small adjustments to the southeast asian glyph data
- Allow Paste Special from one glyph to many
- Keep corners when swapping outlines with background
- Improve Transform filter to not double transform components in instance preview and TrueType export
- Improve import of SVG files
- Allow fractions in instance coordinates
- Some small fixed to TT instruction export (hints on intersections and on side-bearing nodes)
- Add "Elidable STAT Axis Value Name"
- Fix export of OTVar with components to not compatible glyphs
- Improve document open time when the document is in a folder with many subfolders
- The font view gets the list of features from the compiled font so it will also show features from imported feature code
New in Version 2.5b (1105)
- Improve support for ufo3
- Fix problem with some plugins
- Improve performance of opening a new edit view when the font contains outdated OpenType feature code
New in Version 2.5b (1104)
- Warning: There was a problem that could corrupt glyphs with bracket layers that where used in component. If you have such a setup, please check your data. Files written with 2.5b-1101 and earlier are fine
- Fix an issue with missing kerning in CJK font.
- Fix coping of open path when the first node is not selected
- Use alphabetically sorting for Thai letters
New in Version 2.5b (1103)
- Change some detail about how plugins import modules. This makes it much faster but also requires some small changes to some plugins. Most of them are fixed already but you might see some more issues. Please report them. And you need to latest version of vanilla and fonttools.
- Improve handling of corner components in bracket layers
- add option to start app without loading custom plugins (hold down opt+shift)
- remove double encoding when other glyph is added
- fix drawing of cropped images in font view
- add preliminarily Khmer groups to the sidebar
New in Version 2.5b (1101)
- improve export of Apple color fonts with a lot of images
- Improve handling of undo (some smart glyphs would be marked as dirty on opening)
- Improve export of variable font with a lot zero length handles
- Fix export of variable fonts without Axes parameter
- Improve handling of TTZone
- Fix some issues with TrueType instruction export
- make convertToCubic work from Font view
- Update all metrics will update brace and bracket layers, too
New in Version 2.5b (1099)
- Make edit view less jumpy when switching glyphs
- Add option to convert TrueType curves to Cubic (Paths > Other)
- Fix Nodes info box transformation when global guides are selected
- Fix info after master undo (global guides) was invoked
- Fix undo when info box has focus
- Fix enabling/disabling of alignment for some components
- Make sure custom name table entries have no trailing spaces
- Fix remove overlap on quadratic curves
New in Version 2.5b (1098)
- Fix importing of master icons from older files
- Add names in IPA group
- Several performance improvements
- Update Chinese loc
- Update the master icon when master-icon-glyph-name is changed
- Fix losing screen update after some filters
- Add support for strikeoutPosition/Size
New in Version 2.5b (1097)
- Add options to suppress version alert
- Fix adding of .svg
- Fix searching for all unicodes
- Don’t use abvm/blwm for Khmer
- Read master names from .designspace
- Improve the rounding after interpolation to avoid minimal difference in stem width from components
- Fix several crashes
New in Version 2.5b (1096)
- Fix some crashes
- Fix: checkboxes need two clicks until the popup are enabled
- Try to prevent crashes and show errors from reporter plugins
- Fix calculation of italic angle when aligning an anchor to one node
- Fix "make Corner" when selection doesn’t end with an oncurve node
- Fix population of coordinate fields in project document
- Prevent empty vhal feature
- Fix handling of kerning locks in text info boxes
New in Version 2.5b (1095)
- Fix glyph to glyph kerning between letters and punctuation/numbers
- Better handle a lot glyph to glyph kerning (>20.000 pairs)
- Improve auto alignment of rotated small cap components
- Fix crash with Project documents
- make sure all filters are sorted alphabetically in High Sierra
New in Version 2.5b (1094)
- Improve Instance preview
- Don't show alert about changed metrics if the names haven’t changed
- Fix automatic double encode uppercase
- Fix stepping in axis settings
- Fix re-interpolate
- Fix Chinese localization
- Better cope with illegal data in variation font export
New in Version 2.5b (1093)
- Add (limited) support for GPOS variation: kern and mark feature should work. Please report problems.
- Add custom parameter "Enforce Compatibility Check"
- fix filtering in kerning panel
- Fix bracket layers with negative values
- Ignore TT stems that names start with "*" for automatic stems
- Fix crash when opening CID fonts.
- Fix setting include(); paths with more then one include statement
- Add option to export SVG table form Apple Color layers. Add "SBIX to SVG" parameter with a value giving what size to use. So if you have layers called "iColor 24", use a "24"
- Respect View > Fill Preview in Preview view
- Project window: move instance settings to main view
- Fix MacroCodeFontSize
- Allow fractional numbers in image and component info box
New in Version 2.5b (1092)
- Fix loading of Script menu
- Fix issue with smart components and variable font export
- Add `` property to wrapper
New in Version 2.5b (1091)
- Fix manual mark feature code for RTL scripts
- Use correct lookup flag for Arabic kerning
- Sort and unify postscript stems (thanks jens)
- Fix typing in sample text preferences
- Fix color palette dialog. Allow more then 6 palettes
- Fix sorting order in script menu (in High Sierra)
- Fix import of complex fonts
- Fix enabling of component alignment
- Fix handling of nested
- Slightly improve shift selection behavior in font view
New in Version 2.5b (1089)
- Add some missing shapes in the Arabic sidebar
- Add
- fix manual layer selection when the glyph is replaced by an OpenType feature
- Use "Preview Ascender" in font view, too
- Fix crash when selecting brace layer in Layer panel
New in Version 2.5b (1088)
- Restore extrapolation behavior as it was before 1086
- Better handle renaming of glyphs from scripts
- Fix several crashes
New in Version 2.5b (1087)
- reorganize the sidebar for Arabic a bit
- Fix "Replace Prefix" parameter
New in Version 2.5b (1086)
- improve STAT table for variable fonts
- Update interpolation calculation. Much more stable now.
- import SVG table
- fix import of extra lookups from otf
- add support for halt and vhal feature
- add categories for _cap/_corner and _part glyphs
New in Version 2.5b (1084)
- Fix a crash (thanks claus)
New in Version 2.5b (1083)
- Fix error message in transformation panel
- Don’t draw images upside down on second opening of Plugin Manager
- Improve variation font export with more than two axes
- Show the version alert as sheet to make clear to which document it belongs
- Improve master names of imported fonts
- Make sure that components are decomposed in the right order
- Fix sorting of
- Fix default anchors for ligatures
- Fix color font export (use more compatible syntax for transparency, allow single nodes for
image positioning)
- Fix coordinate handling for aligned components
- Fix most common crashes
New in Version 2.5b (1082)
- Improve UI of master/instance settings. It only shows the axes defined in the
- Show warning when opening a file from a different version
- Make 'Reencode Glyphs' work with multiple unicodes
- Better handle retracted handles and inflection when exporting variable fonts (thanks tim)
- Handling of Delta instructions. They have influence of following instructions
- Fixed manual mkmk code
- Restore `Connect Nodes`
- Fix handling of Callbacks
- Always update plugins when starting the app
- Fix reliably of TrueType hints with bracket layers and intersection nodes
- Fix setting deltas
- The preview view doesn’t need to be active for the external TrueType web preview
- Fix some crashes with the TrueType tool
New in Version 2.5b (1077)
- Fix export of trueType hints in variable fonts
- Add support for blueFuzz (postscriptBlueFuzz)
- Improve handling of not aligned components
- Don’t crash with transform filter and components in the background
New in Version 2.5b (1076)
- Fix export of Variable fonts with negative axis ranges
- Fix variable font export with mirrored components
- Add `` property to the plugin wrapper
- Fix drawing of background path with selected anchors
- Allow local CustomFilters
- Improve performance with a lot nodes
- Fix compatibitly view for variable fonts
- Allow unlocking of guides in All Layer tool
- Add Cham and Tham to sidebar
- Draw badge with size of primitive while dragging
- Align one node + anchor
- Draw placeholder for alternate glyphs
- Add help button to macro window
- Automatically add left, origin and right anchor in _corners
- Fix import of names and features from CID
- Fix Export > Metrics respects italic angle, but Import > Metrics does not
- Fix alt-rectangle select should ignore BCPs
- Fix kerning between Cyrillic/Greek and numbers/punctuation
- Fix some crashes
New in Version 2.5b (1073)
- Performance of smart components
- Fix undo with global guides
- Ordering of ligatures and prefer f_i over fi
- Fix disappearing background image when zoomed in a lot
- Smaller fixes
New in Version 2.5b (1072)
- Fix crash loading OTF
- add several new scripts (glagolitic, chakma, avestan, archaic-sinhala, bamum)
- update Korean loc (thanks Joon-seok)
- fix ordering of missing glyphs from list filters
- fix adding instruction at intersection handles
- Fix adding TT-stems
- Decompose scaled components
- Import double unicodes
- Fix loading of file with a lot smart components
New in Version 2.5b (1071)
- Fix calculation if metrics keys
- Preserve corners for "Components from selection"
- Fix wrong gujarati production names (Thanks kalapi)
- Performance in font Info > Feature with very long feature code
- Improve import of contextual OpenType features a bit
- Remove some unneeded line breaks in icon view
- Fix offset curve/autoStroke issues
- Fix miscalculation of zones count with duplicate zones
- Allow more palettes
- Add 'Show Notes' in font view printing
- Show export folder when clicked on notification
- Fix sorting with "Keep alternates next to base glyph".
- Fix issue with reconnect nodes
- Fix focus after editing in font view list mode
- Fix cmd+F from font list view
- Fix import of RTL kerning from Metrics files
- Fix several crashes (Printing, TTStems, ...)
New in Version 2.5b (1069)
- Fix Problem with "Reconnect nodes" and corner components
- Load icons for custom sidebar entries
- Improve some Devanagari feature code
New in Version 2.5b (1068)
- Fix broken CMAP with upper plain characters (thanks jens)
- Handle custom positional features for Indic script (dist, abvm, blwm) (work in progress)
- [ufo] prevent duplicate glyphOrder
- [ufo] properly store
- [ufo] properly store
unicodeRanges, codePageRanges
- Allow pasting if images from Photoshop
- Don’t transform background image if it is locked
- Fix x/y fields in offCurve info box
New in Version 2.5b (1066)
- Synchronize localizations
New in Version 2.5b (1065)
General Improvements
- Added View > Show Nodes > In Background
- Added more options for foreground and background stroke colors in Preferences
- Added Direction column to Font tab > List view
- Added possibility to double-encode glyphs
- Added custom parameter “Smart Components Compatibility Mode” for backwards compatibility
- Added custom parameter “Keep Transformed Components” to prevent decomposing on export
- At import, moved components are detected and auto-alignment is disabled where necessary
- Improved handling of Upper plane characters
- Improved round-tripping UFO
- Improved SVG import, especially parsing of arc
- Better recover corrupted files
- Fixed some crashes
- Many small improvements and fixes
- Much improved TrueType instructioning: better UI and much better instructions
- Auto rounding for anchors and stems that are not attached to a zone
- New Custom Parameter “Get Hints From Master”
- First support for horizontal TT hints (thx Monika)
- Import hints from FLS UFOs (exported with vfb2ufo and the
- GASP: use all symmetric hinting
- Improved TT Zone handling: Align zones to other zones, deltas for zones
- Improved TT Stem handling: Deltas for stems
- Remove All Hints only removes TT hints
- Get TT hints from corner components
- Fixed including hints of components
- Opening .ttf files preserves TT outlines and binary instructions.
Variable Fonts
- Support for Bracket layers (as Feature Variation)
- Add support for 6th axis (thanks Luc)
- Improved STAT export in OTVar
- Improved search menu in Window > Kerning
- Copying and pasting from Window > Kerning now uses new .metrics file format
- Window > Kerning now allows filtering for groups or glyph kerning without a search string
- Added Paths > Make Corner (also in context menu; select some nodes and Glyphs will try to remove them and make a sharp corner. Good to un-round a font)
- Added dragging handles for Smart Glyph parameters (for enabling handles, use anchors named after respective parameters)
- Added possibility to nest corner components
- Selection as Component: if base component has top or bottom anchor, a corresponding anchor will be added in the new glyph
- Improved handling of flipped components
- Improved Decompose Corners
- Improved copying and pasting of Smart Components
- Improved Offset Path filter
- Fix acute corners and inflections
- Improved Autostroke
- Much improved text selection behavior in Edit tab
- Much improved Upper Plane layout in Edit tab
- Fixed: cursor behavior in Edit tab with ligatures (in certain constellations)
- Fixed: Edit > Paste Special > Only Replace Active Layer will paste only the copied layer
- Switched back to Lucida Grande for small text in Edit view
- Minor Glyph Data improvements for Chinese punctuation, Mongolian and others
- Removed combining strokes and slashes from default Latin sidebar entries
- Improved Monotonic Greek sidebar entry, added Greek punctuation (thx Ειρήνη)
- Improved Adobe-Korean1 mapping file
- Improved Arabic decompositions
- Fixed Arabic ccmp code for shadda_xxx-ar
OT Features
- Improved handling of additional custom mark feature code
- Added custom parameters: Remove Prefixes, Replace Prefix
- Improved syntax coloring in Font Info > Features
- Fixed export with include() statements
- Fixed export with no lookups
- Fixed import of features if lookup name matches feature tag
Python API
- Added GSPath.transform()
- Updated .py wrapper (thx @yanone)
New in Version 2.4.3 (1064)
New in Version 2.4.2 (1060)
- Fix export problem with empty mark feature
New in Version 2.4.2 (1059)
- Fix crash on path operators
- Fix export of custom kern feature code
- Fix saving of nested smart component settings
New in Version 2.4.2 (1057)
- Fix a crash on app startup
- Fixed an issue with nested disabled components
NEW IN GLYPHS 2.4.2 (1056)
OTVar and TrueType
- Added support for OTVar-specific tables, including preliminary support for STAT
- Only export STAT table if requested with custom parameter (individual axes for some glyphs only)
- Added support for virtual OTVar masters
- Added optional Axis Location parameter
- Updated ttfAutohint to version 1.6
- Prevent export TT tables prep, fpgm, cvt if no hinting is in the font
- Different decomposition of nested components: now keeps more components in TrueTypes
- Improved OTVar export with intermediate origin master
- Improved handling of components in OTVar export
- Properly export maxSizeOfInstructions in maxp table
- Fixed export of TrueType without production names
- Fixed missing paths in TrueType export (thanks Christoph)
Reusing Shapes
- Improved handling of corner components: please review your files and report problems
- Significantly improved calculation of inner corners
- Improved corner alignment
- Improved sharp connections in corner components
- Improved pasting of caps and corners
- Improved calculation of smart components
- Improved calculation of corner component between two curve segments
- Removing overlap now properly handles corner and cap components
- Corner and smart components are now separate groups in Font view
- Allow renaming of properties in smart glyphs without loosing settings in components
- Better decompose nested and flipped components
- Fixed: anchors are properly inserted when decomposing special components
- Fixed: scaling of corner components inside scaled components
- Fixed: mirroring of alignment when corner component is mirrored
- Fixed: copying and pasting of paths with corner components
- Fixed: autohinting of components
- Fixed: several issues with smart components (interpolation, renaming of axis)
- Fixed: shifted components with ‘Rename Glyphs’
- Metrics keys can now be more complex, e.g., =H*-0.1
- Metrics keys: Up and down arrows in number field add to additions and subtractions, e.g., =H+10
- Glyph > Update Metrics now also syncs brace and bracket layers
- New ‘Link Metrics With Master’ parameter in Font Info > Masters
- Added TSB and BSB to list mode
- Improved kerning filter with groups that contain greek and punctuation
- Fixed Arabic figure kerning
OpenType Features
- CJK: Preliminary support for vpal and palt features, please test and report
- Allow custom mark feature code alongside automatic code, use either “# Automatic Code End” or “# Automatic Code Start” to denote position in auto-calculated code
- Properly handle
in feature code
- Use user-defined coding font size for Feature Editor
- Improved detection of oldstyle figures in feature code generator
- Improved automatic Devanagari feature code
- Make feature pane splitter remember its position (thanks Ben)
- Improved handling of custom kern feature code
- Better support for manual GPOS and GDEF table
Languages & Localization
- Added Bengali to the Languages sidebar
- Added African-Arabic glyphs
- Fixed Arabic ccmp code for shadda ligatures (shadda_xxx-ar)
- Added some support for Syriac script
- Added preliminary support for Adlam script
- Improve the Hangul CID mapping file (thanks Norbert)
- Some Hangul improvements
- Properly scale CJK virtual body
- Updated German localization (thanks @yanone)
- Fixed some typos in the English UI (Thanks @yanone)
- Some GlyphData improvements
Import & Export
- Import more info from OTF
- Don’t touch custom parameters in ufo.fontinfo (thanks Frederik)
- Handling of userData in UFO
- Properly round-trip info values in UFO
- Fixed reading and storing label color in UFO
- Fixed crash on export in macOS 10.9
- Fixed export to .otf
- Fixed export with glyphs that are not compatible
- Fixed problem reading .glyphs file (thanks Fritze)
- Fixed import of .ttc files.
- Fixed import of feature code with custom mark feature
- Fixed import of old suitecase fonts
- Largely improved callback registering in Python wrapper
- Add mousedown/up notifications (for reporter plugins)
- Allow “# MenuTitle:” (with a space) to denote script title (thx @joancarles)
- Fixed an issue where a script could cause deadlock during saving
- Many small Python API updates, see (thx @yanone)
General Improvements
- Boolean path operations can now handle overlapping paths with differing orientations
- The state of sidebar panels is now stored
- Auto-alignment of ‘sinf’ and ‘subs’ letters (thanks Ludwig)
- The ‘Has Special Layers’ smart filter also respects reverse bracket layers
- Better font handling for Print-to-PDF in the latest macOS versions (no more garbled text in PDF)
- Improved handling of exit/entry anchors in the Anchor menu in grey info box
- Improved preview image of current master
- Improved ‘Reencode Glyphs’ custom parameter
- Improved SVG table export
- Improved tabbing behavior (empty fields)
- Improved pasting Illustrator outlines
- Fixed: several issues with copying and pasting of glyphs
- Fixed: context menu > Autohint properly hooks up hints to nodes
- Fixed: vertical resizing and scrolling of Font Info > Notes
- Fixed: reinterpolation in Layers panel
- Fixed: dragging instances in Font Info does not reorder instances anymore
- Fixed: regex replace with period and numbers Find and Replace…
- Fixed: upside-down placeholders in glyph selection dialog
- Fixed: growing file size with invalid ‘userData’ keys
- Fixed: renamed glyphs (through custom parameter) are now displayed properly in instance preview
- Fixed: no more ghost numbers in Measurement tool (L) after overlap removal
- Improved stability and performance
- Many small fixes and improvements
NEW IN GLYPHS 2.4.1 (983)
- Guides can now be flipped with the Mirror buttons in the Transformations Panel
- Metrics key calculations can reference opposite side, e.g., '=|+10'
- Constrain Scale tool (S) with the Shift key
- Increased maximum number of smart glyph parameters
- Improved handling of corner and cap components
- New keyboard shortcuts for cycling through masters: Opt-PageUp/PageDown (Fn-Opt-Up/Down on MacBooks)
- New default shortcuts for next/previous tab: (Shift-)Ctrl-Tab
- Active master is preserved when a new tab is opened
- New font custom parameter 'Variation Font Origin' for defining the OTVar origin master: use a master name as value
- Improved handling of components
- Improved export of Brace layers
- Fixed kerning between punctuation and Greek/Cyrillic
- Improved Mongolian nice names (thx John)
- Improved production names in GlyphData
- Updated Traditional Chinese localization
- Expanded and improved Python Wrapper (thx Jan)
- All output from Python plug-ins is now caught and displayed
- Better production name conversion on UFO export
- Prevent duplicate production names
- Improved importing of kern table
- Improved auto-alignment
- Improved UPM Scaling
- Correct calculation of fontbbox value in CFF table
- Fixed export crashes
- Improved QuickLook display
- Improved stability and performance
- Many small fixes and optimizations
- Remove support for guides and background layers in .ufo export
- Fix selection and sorting after copy/pasting or duplicating glyphs
- Fix some issues with offset curve
- Added Variable Fonts to File > Export, with support for multiple axes and Brace layers (intermediate deltas). For testing, use Google FontView:
- Compatibility with macOS Sierra
- Improved Plugin Manager: should work for everyone now
- Reopen last closed tab (Cmd-Opt-Shift-W, or hold down Option key with Window menu)
- Added tooltips to warning icons in Font view glyph cells
- iOS GlyphsViewer now asks for permission to show preview
- Smart filters work on active layers only now
- Added ‘Has Anchors’ to smart filter options
- Warn user about CFF subroutinization problems when glyphs with many nodes are in the font
- Prevent automatic text replacements in code entry UI
- Print dialog now remembers page orientation
- Improved performance of instance preview with a lot of text
- Improved performance and stability of .glyphsproject documents
- Improved double clicking in Font view
- Improved handling of non-printing glyphs
- Improved drag-reordering of sidebar elements
- Fixed arrow key behaviour in Font Info > Masters > Metrics
- Fixed and improved Edit > Compare Fonts
- Fixed behaviour of Font Info and Macro windows in fullscreen mode
- Fixed export of name id 4
- Fixed fullscreen display of toolbar in OS X 10.9
- Fixed issue with upper plane Unicodes in application services
- Many more small fixes and improvements
- Improved stability and performance
- Added ‘Close Open Paths’ to context menu: connects nearest open nodes
- Properly set smoothness of nodes when adding or removing nodes
- Opt-arrowing or Opt-dragging multiple off-curves now locks each point’s angle
- Aligning an anchor will snap it to the background anchor of the same name
- Grey preview letters for empty glyphs are now also visible in text mode
- Show all glyphs that use this glyph as a component: now also works when Text tool is active
- Select newly generated glyphs in Edit view
- Glyph width is maintained after Edit > Clear
- Transformation tools: origin now snaps to other objects
- Improved performance of Round Corner filter
- Layer duplicates do not carry the original layer name anymore
- Edit > Select Sample Text now adds current string if selection was not moved before pressing OK
- Improved stability and performance of clipboard operations
- Fixed and improved Edit > Paste Special (including Undo)
- Fixed glyph info for pasted glyphs
- Fixed nudging (Ctrl-Opt dragging) with selected off-curve nodes
- Fixed unresponsive Edit view after closing a tab
- Fixed empty Edit view when Select All Layers tool is active
- Fixed text reflow with spaces in Edit view
- Fixed selection for Paste-Undo-Redo
- Disable incremental metrics key (e.g., ‘+=10’) when there is an unaligned component
- Kerning is now rounded to the grid
- Update Metrics also works in the background layer
- Custom kerning increments with defaults GSKerningIncrementLow and GSKerningIncrementHigh (no UI yet)
- Custom spacing increments with defaults GSSpacingIncrementLow and GSSpacingIncrementHigh (no UI yet)
- Improved preview of cursive attachment
- Improved filtering in Window > Kerning
- Improved precision of sidebearings (thanks Tim)
- Improved vertical kerning
- Show guide measurements for components
- Glyph > Make Component Glyph now finds accents with multiple suffixes (e.g., ‘’)
- Add Corner now works with more than one selected node
- QuickLook now supports corner and smart components
- Automatically switch alignment when corner component is flipped
- Also allow ‘_smart’ as possible name prefix for smart glyphs
- Transform Filter does not scale components if base glyph is scaled
- Prefer ‘.narrow’ or ‘.i’ variants of accents on glyphs with ‘i’ base glyph (e.g., itildebelow, thanks Alexei)
- Allow 12 parameters in smart glyphs
- Cap components are now included when paths are copied to the background
- Proper handling of smart components in Brace layers
- Improved handling of unattached cap and corner components
- Improved Glyph > Make Component Glyph
- Improved Glyph > Update Metrics with Brace layers and corners/caps (thanks Tim)
- Improved Component from Selection dialog, added input validation
- Improved handling of components in color layers
- Improved Brace layers for nested components
- Improved handling of self-referencing components
- Auto-update metrics when base glyph of components has changed
- Fixed subcategory for precomposed glyphs
- Fixed resizing of smart components with dragging the bounding box
- Fixed preview of auto-aligned components
- Fixed a serious bug with smart components (thanks Roman)
- Fixed path direction of flipped components in Preview (thanks Jan)
- Fixed issue with partially aligned components and metrics keys
- Fixed position of shine-through anchors in nested components
- Fixed recalculation of metrics on adding components
- Fixed cap components on start node
- Fixed size of caps and corners when UPM is scaled
- New custom parameter ‘Color Layers to SVG’ parameter exports a COLR/CPAL or Color-Layer setup as SVG
- New custom parameters: ‘Export COLR/sbix/SVG Table’ for control of color table generation
- Render iColor layers in FontView
- Reverted the rendering order of the color layer preview: now the first layer/master will be drawn last
- Save image data opened from sbix fonts
- Use IgnoreMarks for latin/cyrillic/greek kerning
- Export mark feature code for all glyphs that have suitable anchors
- Improved code for automatic smallcap features (including fallback to default for .loclXXX glyphs)
- Added warning for invalid values in kern feature
- Removed use of script tags in .case part of ccmp
- Fixed generation of pcap feature
- Fixed autogeneration of some OpenType feature (pres, kern)
- Fixed some problems with Indic feature code
- Remove alternate iMatras from pres feature code
- Allow Width value in Bracket layers, syntax:
[<weight value>,<width value>]
- Bracket layers don’t need a name any more, only the bracket with numbers [XX, XX]
- Edit > Show All Masters now includes Brace and Bracket layers
- Added Local Interpolation custom parameter to interpolate some glyphs differently, syntax:
<weight>;<width>;<custom>; include: <glyphnames>
- Fixed interpolation of corner components
- Fixed interpolation of smart components
- Fixed preview of interpolated corner components
- Fixed interpolation of Metrics Keys
- Resolved an issue with extrapolation
- Manual cropping of images by Cmd-Opt dragging a bounding box corner
- You can now copy and paste images from Finder
- Fixed cropped images (thanks Wei)
- Fixed and improved inter-script kerning
- Improved feature code for accented Dutch IJ/ij
- Added missing altName to jdotless
- Fixed Georgian glyph info
- Use last set writing direction in new tabs
- Improved automatic Arabic/Farsi liga code
- Improved preview of auto-aligned Arabic layers
- Improve detection of glyph info in fonts with custom glyph names
- Added Hebrew mark feature code
- Support for handling Hebrew cantillation marks
- Added Tifinagh to sidebar languages
- Added Khmer script tag to mark features
- Added default GSUB for ROS Adobe-Japan1-3
- Fixed Unicode mappings to Adobe CMAPs (Corrected Japan1 CMAP)
- Fixed export of CID font with glyphs that are not in the ROS
- Fixed Japanese groups in sidebar
- Many small additions to the GlyphData XML
- Added Turkish localization (thanks Nurullah)
- Improved stability for Japanese and Finnish localizations
- Fixed number key shortcuts (master switching, tab switching and Fit Curve) on French and Czech keyboards.
- Updated Chinese localization
- Updated Japanese localization (Thanks Toshi)
- Updated Portuguese localization
- Updated Spanish localization (thanks Txus)
- Implemented Delta instructions
- Added info for Delta instructions
- Added TTFZones custom parameter
- Added the keys next to Caps Lock as shortcuts for TT instructions: a=Add Anchor, s=Add Stem, d=Add Diagonal, f=Add Align, g=Add Interpolation
- Several fixes and improvements in the TrueType tool (thanks Frode)
- Improved rendering and export of TrueType instructions
- Improved automatic TT stem selection
- Fixed selection of first stem in TT tool
- Fixed TT preview image size in 10.9
- Fixed TT preview of active master
- Use zopfli compression for WOFF
- Fixed wrong warning about duplicate instances on webfont export
- New custom parameter ‘Decompose Glyphs’ controls components affected by ‘Rename Glyphs’
- New custom parameter ‘Disable autohinting for glyphs’ (works only for CFF)
- Allow spaces in Value strings of Filter parameters
- Changed behaviour of ‘Keep Glyphs’ parameter: now activates non-exporting glyphs when listed
- Fixed export of ‘Name Table Entry’ and ‘copyright’ parameters
- Store ‘Disable Last Change’ in ufo.lib
- Fixed order of classes and prefix for UFO export
- Fixed import of Unicodes from ufo
- Fixed a small issue when importing ROS
- Fixed AFM and PFM import
- Fixed import of PFB files, including components
- Fixed import of OpenType fonts
- Fixed import of CFF fonts with flex hints
- Fixed glyph names of imported OTF/TTF files
- Fixed import of style name
- Much improved AppleScript support
- Allow setting font size for Macro window:
Glyphs.intDefaults["MacroCodeFontSize"] = 13
- Added a few things to the Python wrapper (including MOUSEMOVED notification)
- Some fixes for the Python wrapper (slicing, remove overlap, userdata, color and
- Improved handling of exceptions in Python code
- Tab.text() give more chars and less escaped names
- decomposedCopy also decomposes corners/caps
- Glyphs accepts files handled by plugins when they are dragged on the app icon
- Workaround for NSBundle bug in Python plugins
- Fixed headers in GlyphsCore.framework
- Fixed GSGlyph.lastChange
- Fixed
for font.glyphs and customParameter
- Fixed export of fsType if set through a script
- Fixed
- Fixed stuck Macro window
New in Version 2.3
- Yellow triangles in glyph cells now indicate metrics keys out of sync
- Cmd-Opt-1 through 9 switches Tabs, Font tab is always Cmd-Opt-1
- Added Font Note tab in Font Info
- Added eight new smart filters: Has Annotations, Has Special Layers, Has Hints, Category, Subcategory, Has Custom Glyph Info, Is Auto-Aligned, Metrics Keys Out of Sync
- Glyphs > Add Component now supports adding components to all selected glyphs at once
- Duplicating masters now also duplicates kerning
- Changed ordering of symbols
- New Pencil Tool (keyboard shortcut B)
- 'Open Corner' and 'Reconnect Nodes' now work for multiple selections
- Set Layer color by holding the Option key
- Correct Path Direction for all Masters now also checks for Brace and Bracket layers
- Apply PreFilter in instance preview
- Prefer .case accents in mark cloud for lowercase letters with ascenders
- Fixed tab order in grey info box
- Caps & corners can now be flipped through Transformations palette
- Transformations palette now supports aligning anchors
- Edit > Find > Find supports multiple selection
- Edit > Find > Find supports multiple search terms
- Removed dialog for missing image, showing placeholder instead
- Centering the active glyph in Preview is now an option: access setting via context menu
- Annotation tool now supports panning and zooming
- Allow kerning exceptions without prior group kerning
- Now selects the next node if a node is deleted
- Now keeps open path after Filter > Remove Overlap
- Improved layer grouping for Master Compatibility view
- Improved master compatibility for Smart Glyphs
- Improved preview and display of components in Brace layers
- Brace and Bracket layers are now displayed in bold inside Layers palette
- Fixed behaviour of handles at the end of paths.
- Fixed position of corner/cap badge
- Fixed interpolation/preview of corner components
- Fixed re-interpolation with Bracket layers
- Now prevents smooth corners between line segments
- New app icon (thanks Yanone)
- Many bugfixes and stability improvement
- Now stores more of the UI state in the .glyphs file (e.g., tab zoom and preview setting)
- Fixed an issue with glyphs that are are marked as changed every time the document is opened
- Improved performance with very big files
- Now stores app version in Glyphs file for debugging
- And a few hundred smaller changes and improvements
- Newly added nbspace now inherits width from space
- Check and report instances with the same name on export
- Now better checks for duplicate glyph names on export (thanks Christian)
- Import components from TTF
- Import anchors from feature code
- Import hhea ascender and descender as parameter
- Import PANOSE values as parameter
- Import OS/2 winAscent and winDescent from CFF as parameter
- Improved import of SVG
- Export AFM (option in file system dialog)
- Export vertOrigin to vmtx
- Now better preserves data type in Glyphs file, improves round tripping with UFO
- UFO improvements for Font Info, components, and production glyph names
- Now sets postscriptFontName on exporting UFO
- Small improvements to UFO export
- Added support for cvXX features
- Prevent duplicate substitutions in Arabic dlig
- Added IgnoreMarks to kerning feature in Southeast Asian scripts
- Only use anchors for mark feature that start with a letter (#anchor/_#anchor will be used to align components but not exported to mark feature)
- Autocreation of ornm feature now checks for 'bullet' glyph
- Export GDEF for all 'Nonspacing' and 'Spacing Combining' marks
- Also looks at existing suffixed numbers to determine default figures
- Fixed c2sc feature (thanks christian)
- Fixed anchors for marks inside ligature compounds (top vs. top_X)
- Relative metrics keys for auto alignment (e.g. =+20, or =-23)
- Sorting and alignment of small (subscript, superscript) numbers
- When importing metrics, disables auto alignment for components where .metrics file disagrees with autoalignment
- Smart Component layers are included in the MM fixing tools
- Allow force alignment for all components
- Fix decomposition of corners
- Align components at "exit/entry" anchors
- Updated ttfautohint to version 1.5
- TrueType Tool (I): implemented pixel preview for Grayscale, ClearType, DirectWrite
- Manual TrueType hinting: much smoother scaling for horizontal stems in Grayscale and DirectWrite
- Autohint components separately if one has PS hints (thanks Tim)
- Improved TrueType instruction handling and export
- Better preserve hints after filters (thanks Tim)
- shoulderHeight now also used for Hebrew
- Remove Feature now also supports the GPOS features kern and dist
- Replace Feature allows custom kern features for every instance.
- unicodeRanges now also available in instances
- Removed Add Missing Symbol Glyphs parameter and disabled it for TTF export
- New font parameters
- Disable Last Change can help with version control
- Post Table Type
- codePageRanges
- New instance parameters
- Export Glyphs, toggles export of glyphs
- Has WWS Names, sets bit 8 of OS/2 fsSelection
- makeOTF Argument
- Name Table Entry, adds entries to name table, format: "nameIDs;text", example: 4 3 1 1033;Blabla Sans
- Update Features, forces recalculation of automated features
- Write Kern Table, will export fully expanded kerning
- New master parameters
- Master Background Color
- Master Name
- Local Glyph Data: put a custom GlyphData.xml next to your .glyphs file, or in an Info subfolder, or in the parent folder
- Added N’Ko script to Glyph Data
- Glyph Data improvements for many scripts: Malayalam, Hangul, Kannada, etc.
- Many improvements for Southeast Asian languages, esp. Lao, Myanmar (thanks Ben)
- Many improvements for Japanese: Japan1 mapping
- Don’t add IgnoreMarks to Kannada kern feature
- Export abvm/blwm for Khmer
- Allow kerning between Han and Kana glyphs
- Added support for CNS1 mapping files
- Allow custom CID mapping by storing cidXXXX in glyph
- Added a many Unicode 8 and 9 Beta values, mostly Arabic
- Many more and improved decompositions for Arabic compounds
- Prevent nukta_halant-deva in ccmp
- Many small improvements for deva feature code
- Fixed accent cloud for halfforms
- Added simplified Chinese localization (thanks 刘钊, 郭毓海, 仇寅, 汤婷, and Gerry Leonidas)
- Added traditional Chinese localization (thanks But Ko)
- Updated Czech localization (thanks Jiří)
- Updated Japanese localization (thanks Toshi)
- Added Window > Plugin Manager
- Plugins can be placed in the Plugin folder with aliases
- Major rewrite and extension of the Python Wrapper (thanks Yanone), please check for changes
- Major rewrite of the Plugin SDK for Python (thanks Yanone), please see
- Call willActivate() for reporters at app start
- Post notification after exported (GSDocumentWasExported)
New in Version 2.2.2 (826)
- improve handling of missing images
- Slight adjustment of the drawing of end nodes
- Only include 'Nonspacing' and 'Spacing combining' marks in mark/GDEF
- Fix removing of kerning pairs in kerning window with collapsed rows
- Fix kerning of punctuation and more then one other script
- Scroll to active glyph in new tab
- Fix exporting ufo with production names
- Fix version string for ttf export
- Glyphs detail dialog does not change values directly, only if you press OK (will improve performance)
- Fix some undo problems (thanks tim)
- Fix text color in glyph info box when editing glyph name (thanks ralph)
- Fix selection of color layers in layer panel
- Fix import of math/greek letters
- Fix measurement tool in background layers
- Fix error in ccmp feature
- Try to fix crashes
New in Version 2.2.1 (819)
- Fix problem with style names
- Improve layer color handling
- Some minor changes
New in Version 2.2
- New: Cmd-X now cuts and breaks open paths.
- New: Pasting a partial path replaces the path selection.
- New: Instance Preview parameter for the previewed glyphs in File > Font Info > Instances. It takes a list of glyph names.
- New: kerning indicator colors can now be customized in Preferences > User Settings.
- New: Added support for SVG table (Mozilla/Adobe SVG color font): drag SVG files onto a separate "svg" layer.
- New: Allow storing of custom values for script, category, subcategory and production name per glyph. This gives some independence from the GlyphData file.
- New: versionString custom parameter (value: 'Version %d.%03d’).
- New: kerning group names are validated upon entry.
- New: smaller grid for offcurve nodes in coarse grid/subdivision settings.
- New: Link Metrics With First Master custom parameter (for layered color fonts).
- Glyphs now offers to decompose compounds when referenced glyphs are deleted (thanks Christoph).
- Longer glyph names are now possible.
- Increased the number of possible masters.
- You can now add custom shortcuts for all tools in Terminal: defaults write com.GeorgSeifert.Glyphs2 AnnotationTool.Hotkey "q"
- Changed automatic components to pick up non-combining accents, too.
- Glyphs now cleans up its Temp folder: files older than two months are deleted.
- Improved Select All Layers tool.
- Improved Annotations tool: selection, moving/transforming with keyboard, Copy Paste
- Improved performance in the OpenType feature editor significantly.
- Improved master compatibility and display of alignment zones for brace/bracket glyphs.
- Improved bounding box handling and transformation of smart components.
- Improved drawing of background paths and dark background colors, as well as background path drawing on non-Retina displays.
- Proper production names for non-default Unicode settings.
- Improved Apple Color font export
- Improved Color Palette parameter dialog.
- Improved Webfont Only parameter.
- Improved Autohint command in Edit view.
- Updated Cyrillic localization (thanks Alexei).
- Removed validation in Font Info (now allows empty values).
- Fixed: no more 'space' at GID 1 (was needed for compatibility with Apple Pages).
- Fixed: Metrics of Brace layers now properly sync (thanks Christoph).
- Fixed: Add Master from Other Font
- Fixed: Replace Classes parameter
- Fixed smallcap-related problems such as c2sc or composition.
- Fixed: kern feature without any singleton kerning.
- Fixed Kerning Panel problems in MacOS 10.11.
- Fixed: Anchor button (for multiple anchors) in grey Info box.
- Fixed some problems with anchors when exporting TrueType.
- Fixed TTF export with nested components if one component is set to not export.
- Fixed some undo problems
- Fixed problem with "Add Extremes" (thanks Natalie)
- Fixed: corner components are preserved when paths are copy pasted
- Fixed scaling to different UPM with un-aligned components (thanks Linda)
- Many small improvements and fixes.
- Stability improvements.
- Improved glyph width if no advance width is given in the .glif file.
- Mask layer is now imported as background.
- Improved style names in .ufo export and export to .ufo for converted names.
Glyph Data and Language Support
- New: Kannada in the sidebar, first implementation of feature code and Glyph Data.
- New: Thai and Burmese were added to the dimension panel.
- New: Cherokee has been added to the Glyph Data.
- Improved support for Tamil, Khmer, Kannada, Lepcha and Gurmukhi.
- Improved Greek accents, some cyrillic anchors were added
- Improved some arabic component autoalign.
- Improved CJK metrics and vertical mode, added Grid parameters
- Improved Japanese CID mapping and glyph data.
- Improved Glyph Data for Hangul.
- Fixed some Latin accented letters (thanks Mark).
- Fixed composition for precomposed devanagari
- Fixed generating of CID mapping for ROS-0.
- Fixed subcategory for rakar forms
- New: possibility for Scripts to draw (documentation is coming)
- New: plugins can add a file type to the Open/Save dialogs with full document support
- New: old copies of are now automatically removed from script folder
- New: allow menu items from Reporter plugin.
- Removed the delay on first script run. You may need to import some Cocoa classes yourself now.
- Added annotations to Python wrapper.
- Improved error handling for Python scripts (thanks Mark) and error reporting on export.
- Improved Glyphs.documents and Glyphs.fonts proxies in Python wrapper.
- Fixed
New in Version 2.1 (767)
- New: Filter > Fix Compatibility: Drag the elements up or down to match them.
- New: View > Show Info now shows kerning group info and lock also for the left glyph.
- New: View > Show Bounding Box.
- New: Window > Preview Panel.
- You now can lock many selected guides at once.
- If two nodes are selected when adding a guide, the line will coincide with them (thanks Ben).
- Dramatically improved generation of kern feature: much more kerning is possible without a subtable overflow, and the resulting GPOS table will be smaller.
- Nodes can now be aligned via the transformation palette.
- Images can now be rotated.
- Transformations filter can now export Custom Parameter to the clipboard.
- New and improved warning badges for missing components and bad component references.
- Add Components dialog now remembers the most recent search string.
- Bracket layers: improved preview and mark cloud.
- Feature selector pop-up is highlighted if a feature is selected.
- Auto-alignment for glyphs that are affected by "Rename Glyphs" parameters.
- Annotation tool: Select All selects all annotations.
- Annotation tool: Move annotations with the keyboard.
- Fix drag duplication of paths with curve segments.
- Fixed decomposition of anchors for nested components.
- Fixed mark feature.
- Fixed cursor of knife tool.
- Fixed scrolling in vertical layout.
- Improved "Reconnect Nodes" function.
- Improved anchor decomposition of rotated components.
- Improved display of selected components.
- Improved undo, especially for anchors.
Languages, Scripts, and Glyph Data:
- New Latin decomposition: oslash now uses slashlongoverlaycomb.
- Some glyph names changed for better compatibility with FDK feature code.
- Basic support for Gurmukhi.
- Fixed Devanagari fullforms OT class generation.
- Fixed Hebrew mark positioning.
- Improved Arabic decomposition.
- Export glyphs that are not present in ROS.
- Improved Japanese character mapping.
Smart Components
- Allow extrapolation in Smart Components.
- Editing of multiple Smart Components at once.
- Improved handling of nested Smart Components.
- Smart Components can use Width or Height Property for bounding box scaling. Preliminary support only.
- Smart Components can now use all layers from all masters.
- New: instructed TrueType outline preview for manual TT hinting.
- Improved TrueType prep table for manual TT hinting: basic overshoot suppression.
- Improved performance of TrueType Instruction tool.
- Fixed problems with diagonal hints.
- Minimised path distortions by using freedom vector for manual TT instructions.
- Updated TTF Autohint to latest version.
Font View
- New: user-defined Categories and Languages in Font View sidebar.
- New: folders in Font View sidebar.
- Added Music and Braille to sidebar.
- Localized group titles in Font View, grid mode.
- Improved Font View update after adding a glyph.
Font Info
- New custom parameters: "Replace Feature", "Remove Classes" and "Replace Class".
- Removed validation for style linking check boxes.
- Improved storing of "Color Palettes" custom parameter.
- Preview now respects custom parameters 'winAscent' and 'winDescent', or preferably 'Preview Ascender', 'Preview Descender'.
- Read and write UFO guidelines.
- Fixed writing of widthClass to UFO.
- Improved UFO import and export.
- Improved conversion of lib data between .glyphs and .ufo formats.
- Improved handling of extra UFO layers (background), now compatible with RoboFont.
- Improved stability of UFO handling.
- Major update of the Python wrapper. See for details. Many thanks to Yanone.
- Properly set current directory for scripts.
- Fix updating of smart components if values are set by a script.
- Hide Masters button in toolbar in single-master files.
- Fixed preview for fonts without instances.
- Updated Spanish localization (thanks Txus).
- No more quotes for negative numbers in file format. This will cause some changes in version control, but makes the file easier to parse for third parties.
- Fixed copying and pasting of placeholders for sample strings.
- Fixed copying and pasting of upper plane characters (u10000 and above).
- Many small improvements and fixes.
- Stability improvements.
- Improved QuickLook.
New in Version 2.0 (726)
- Added support for color fonts.
- Display color glyphs in font view.
- New Select All Layers tool.
- Added WOFF, WOFF2 and EOT export.
- Added option to export CFF based webfonts (thanks Tim).
- Added QuickLook for webfonts.
- Added Corner, Cap Components
- Added Smart Components
- The decomposition of accented letters uses the nonspacing combining accents now.
- Improved Make Component for glyphs with suffixes.
- Prevent problems with circular components.
- Remove the limit for nested components (thanks Claus).
- Raw components with checker pattern in Master compatibility.
- Snap to nodes in components.
- Allow symbols in mark feature
- Export mark2liga for all scripts.
- Fixed position of nonspacing marks if they where spaced.
- Improved handling of combined marks.
- Mark to Mark positioning works for Indic scripts now (thanks David).
- Fixed drawing and handling of nodes/anchors at different handle sizes.
- Use nested anchors for auto alignment of accents.
- Fixed anchor button in component inspector for nested components.
- Fixed position of center anchor for italic fonts
- Implement LigatureCaretByPos in GDEF table. Add 'caret_XX' anchors to the ligature glyphs.
- Improved lookup of anchors in components.
- Improved auto anchor placement.
- Improved alignment of components on export.
- Fixed generation of the mkmk feature for Latin.
- Adding a component to an empty glyph will set the spacing.
- Fixed auto alignment of scaled components.
- Fixed composition of small caps
- Much improved TT export.
- Automatically add a DSIG empty table to TTF fonts.
- Added TrueType Instructioning tool.
- Improved the decomposition of the nested components for TrueType export.
- Added custom GASP table settings.
- Fixed TTF conversion when missing extremes (thanks Linda).
- Fixed import of OT features from UFO.
- Small UFO fixes.
- Write metrics keys to UFO.
- Improve saved data types in UFO font info.
- Improved precision of values exported to .ufo.
Spacing and Kerning
- Added .metrics file export.
- Added third state to the kerning button in the edit view. It can look the spacing up now while doing the kerning with keyboard shortcuts with the Text tool to prevent accidental changes.
- Improved metrics drawing in text mode.
- Fixed setting kerning exceptions for both glyphs
- Fixed import of kerning classes
- Fixed import of kerning from OTF (thanks Botio).
- Fixed removing kerning exceptions (thanks Daan).
- Added renaming of kerning classes in the kerning panel.
- Fixed metrics drawing for RTL.
- Fixed calculation of width for auto aligned RTL glyphs.
- Changing spacing with the transform filter should preserve components position a bit better.
- Fixed transformation filter setting 'LSB'.
- Implemented absolute metrics keys (use equal+number, =20) (thanks Ralph).
- Implemented im/export of .metrics files. This helps moving spacing, classes and kerning between files. Developed together with Igino Marini form
- Many improvements in the Python wrapper. See
- Load aliases of script files in Script Menu.
- Add a GSInstance.generate() method to Python wrapper.
- (str) Format: 'OTF' or 'TTF'.
- (str) FontPath: The destination path for the final font. If none, it uses the default location set in the export dialog.
- (bool) AutoHint: If autohinting should be applied. Default: True.
- (bool) RemoveOverlap: If overlaps should be removed. Default: True.
- (bool) UseSubroutines: Whether subroutines are used for CFF. Default: True.
- (bool) UseProductionNames: Whether production names are used. Default: True.
Custom Parameters
- Allow easier Filter parameter names by dropping the 'GlyphsFilter' prefix. You can use 'RemoveOverlap;' instead of 'GlyphsFilterRemoveOverlap; now.'.
- Added 'Disable Masters' custom instance parameter.
- Added 'Use Extension Kerning' Parameter.
- Added 'Keep Glyphs' custom parameter for subsetting.
- Added 'PreFilter' custom parameter. It works just like the 'Filter' parameter but is executed before decomposition.
- Added TrueType related Custom parameters, a.o., 'Remove post names for webfonts', 'TTFAutohint options'.
- Fixed 'Rename Glyphs' parameter.
- Fixed 'Scale to UPM' parameter.
- Added 'Master Color' custom parameter.
- Added 'Color Palettes' parameter.
- Added dialog for settings PANOSE values and export it correctly.
- Scale values in master custom parameters (thanks Ermin).
- Glyph Data updates for Arabic, Devanagari, Thai and many others.
- Shoulder Height Custom parameter. Useful for Arabic or Devanagari.
- A lot of improvements to the Indic script feature support, added some Gujarati, Oriya, Tibetan support.
- Automatically activate all features if Devanagari script is selected (thanks Claus).
- Added contextual Devanagari iMatra feature generation.
- Big improvements to Devanagari handling (thanks Rob).
- Greatly improve the Devanagari feature generation. (a.o., rakar+nukta, add vertical contextual kerning for candaraBindu, thx Alessia).
- Added iMatra feature for Gujarati.
- Added some support for Oriya, Telugu and Malayalam.
- Fixed Arabic kerning.
- Change 'tatweel-ar' to 'kashida-ar'.
- Changes automatic alignment for Arabic ligatures. They are aligned correctly RTL, now.
- First version of Dimension panel for other scripts (only Arabic for now).
- Improvements to arabic glyph data – decomposition and ligature sorting (thanks Pascal and iSkyFalConS).
- Changes automatic alignment for Arabic ligatures. They are aligned correctly RTL, now.
- First version of Dimension panel for other scripts (only Arabic for now).
- Improvements to arabic glyph data – decomposition and ligature sorting (thanks Pascal and iSkyFalConS).
- Improvements to the Japanese CID mapping file.
- Fixed CID font export, add more Adobe-Japan1 GSUB resources.
- Multiple insets for CJK glyphs.
- Set initial width of new CJK glyphs equal to UPM.
Multiple Master
- Implemented third dimension for interpolation (thanks Tim).
- Implemented intermediate master with Brace trick.
- Added option to Layer panel: Re-Interploate the current layer (useful for brace layers).
- Improved the compatibility checker. It will check 'Brace' layers and look for anchors.
- Properly interpolate the vertical metrics of brace layers.
- Copy extra layers if master is duplicated
- Fixed drawing of none Master layers in preview.
- Better interpolate exceptions if not present in all masters.
- Added 'Correct Path Direction for all Masters'.
- Improved repositioning of the edit view after switching masters.
- In Layer panel: put the alternate layers next to the masters.
- Implement hint replacement for manually set PS hints.
- Exported TTF fonts can be ttfAutohinted now.
- Implemented manual TT instructions for DW.
Font View
- Added regex option to search field in font view, and the Search and Replace in glyph names.
- Added option to invert selection in font view.
- Fixed several undo problems in Font View.
- Improved display of glyph names in glyph info box in font view.
- Added option do negate filter option in sidebar filters.
- Allow unicode chars in list filters.
- Update the sidebar of all open fonts after adding a custom filter.
- Added a few options to smart filters.
- Added 'Has Unicode' smart filter option.
- Fixed selection in list mode.
- Largely improved Paste Special options.
- Added new options to contextual menu item Copy Glyph Names.
- Fixed the gray glyphs (changed) after opening a font.
- Enable context menu from list mode (thanks Tim).
- Improved ordering of circled numbers.
Edit View and Tools
- Reworked the gray info boxes (thanks Thomas).
- Line break on space in edit view.
- Option drag to duplicate selection.
- Now the 'Delete glyphs' command works in the edit view (thanks Tim).
- Implement 'invert selection' for edit view
- Improved the Knife tool.
- Improved the Rotate and Scale tools (thanks Jan, DTF).
- Increase precision of transform values
- Implemented Lock of Guides.
- Fixed typing in textfield if a nonlatin keyboard is selected.
- Added small threshold before the draw tool makes curves.
- Better arrow key movement for Grid Size other than 1.
- Change drawing of end nodes of open paths.
- Draw mask path more clearly before dark background.
- Improved scrolling and zooming behavior especially for vertical mode.
- Improved path direction calculation (thanks Matteo).
- Fixed the handle mirror (by holding ctrl+opt while dragging).
- Fixed default position of preview in edit view.
- Improved restoration and default preview size.
- Fixed problems with manual input of scaling values for components and images.
- Option to change edit view colors in Preferences.
- New layout for the transformation panel.
- Reworked origin selector in Transformation panel (thanks Thomas).
- Fixed Tab order in Transform Panel.
- Added Remove overlap, Subtract and Intersect buttons to the transform panel.
Font Info and Features
- Updated the font info a bit.
- Show custom family names in instance list.
- Improved support for localized font names (add a dialog and supported languages).
- Tweak layout of feature view, textview width and indentation.
- Allow groups in feature list sidebar to be collapsed.
- Added code for automatic update of classes 'All' and 'AllLetters'.
- Added more glyphs with .tf suffix to the tnum feature.
- Added a few more features (pcap, c2pc, hlig etc.) to feature generator.
- Check for disabled classes and prefixes.
- Don’t add mgrk, cpsp feature automatically, Add option to add them and some classes manually from the add button.
- Fixed generation of the LanguageSystems tag.
- Fixed calculation of dlig feature.
- Fixed problem with empty kerning kern feature.
- Improved kerning feature generator.
- Fixed languages in Feature popup.
- Try to keep feature order for non automatic features on updating.
- Prevent duplicate substitutions.
- Updated pres feature on export. This gives better results for MM fonts.
- Fixed import of underline position.
- Fixed export of ssXX names with very short names.
Glyph Data and Glyph Handling
- Allow glyph ranges in 'Generate Glyphs' command (uni1234:uni1238 or ⿈:⿕ or Α:Ω)(thanks Ben).
- The 'Generate Glyphs' command only add glyphs that are not in the font yet (thanks Jan).
- Added copy/paste in Generate Missing Glyphs popup.
- Automatically set new glyphs to not export if name starts with '_'.
- Better preserve names for generated glyphs if nice names are disabled.
- Reworked the glyphData that supports more alternative naming schemes.
- Allow multiple selections in Glyph Info window.
- Added option to search for the character in Glyph Info window
- Fixed some overlapping alternative names in Glyph Data (thanks Tosche).
- Fixed loading of legacy names from custom Glyph Data.
- Improved anchor and accent definition in Glyph Data.
- Improvements to polytonic Greek glyph data.
Internals and Troubleshooting
- Fixed reading of SVG code.
- Change the lastChange value in the .glyphs file to always store in GMT.
- Prevent empty export path.
- Improved error reporting on export to OTF.
- Added new Filter 'Rounded Font', esp. for CJK.
- Fixed and improved precision of Offset Paths filter.
- Added reconnect Nodes command to the menu.
- Improved handling of .narrow (or .i) accents for i-glyphs (thanks Tim).
- Use the destination path also in the generateFont.command.
- Added Plugin Manager to preferences. It will tell alert if new versions of installed plugins are available.
- Many performance improvements
- Fixed precision of floating point coordinates.
- Split the Layer menu in a Glyph and a Path menu.
- Updated localizations.
- A lot of small fixes and improvements.